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Winning the Battle for Your Mind

God has shown me seven major obstacles which block the fulfillment of God’s promises and provision for your life. These obstacles are barriers – walls that are standing in your way hindering you from taking possession of God’s promises, just as the walls of Jericho prevented Israel from taking their land.

During February, we marched against the obstacles of fear, unbelief, and confusion. This month we will spend the entire month focusing on one major obstacle – the major battlefield where most spiritual attacks occur – your mind.

As Joshua entered into the promised land, God told him not to fear or be dismayed. As we are entering into the new millennium, God’s message to us has not changed. God has not given us a spirit of fear, rather He has given us a strategy for victory.

  • Do not fear when you see signs of the end times coming to pass.
  • Do not fear when economic crises occur.
  • Do not be dismayed when wars break out around the globe.
  • Do not dread disaster.

God dealt with Joshua to give him the proper mind set for leading Israel into Canaan – one free of fear and dismay. During this month, God is going to deal with you and give you a renewed mind which will enable victorious Christian living in the new millennium. You will learn how to program your mind for victory, arm yourself with a militant mind, win the war over depression, and have a one-hundred percent victorious mind.

When Joshua and the children of Israel marched against Jericho, they were not leaning to the arm of the flesh nor depending upon their own wisdom or strength. The key to their victory was they were totally dependent upon God and His power to deliver them. They acted upon the strategy God gave them, in complete trust and confidence He would do as He had promised.

The key to your victory is in your total dependence upon God and His power. You must act upon the strategies God has given you in complete trust and confidence that He will break down every wall.

The battlefield where Satan is waging war against the Church today is in our hearts and minds – at the very center of our beings — where our entire moral and mental abilities are located. He is attacking us at our most vulnerable point where our thoughts originate, where we receive God’s Word and have faith to believe His promises, where our wills, emotions, desires and our mental abilities are located.

Are you ready to receive a renewed, one-hundred percent totally victorious mind? Then let’s begin…

Journey Into The Promised Land

Mark 7:15–23 (CSB)

15 Nothing that goes into a person from outside can defile him but the things that come out of a person are what defile him.”

17 When he went into the house away from the crowd, his disciples asked him about the parable. 18 He said to them, “Are you also as lacking in understanding? Don’t you realize that nothing going into a person from the outside can defile him? 19 For it doesn’t go into his heart but into the stomach and is eliminated” (thus he declared all foods clean,). 20 And he said, “What comes out of a person is what defiles him. 21 For from within, out of people’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immoralities, thefts, murders, 22 adulteries, greed, evil actions, deceit, self-indulgence, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. 23 All these evil things come from within and defile a person.”

The Main Battlefield

Where is the main battlefield where the war against Satan and his principalities must be fought and won? Satan’s objective is to attack at the very center of man’s existence — within his innermost being — his heart and his mind.

Jesus, in explaining to His disciples the source from which man is defiled and sin is conceived, said:

For from within, (that is) out of the heart of man, come base and wicked thoughts: sexual immorality, stealing, murder, adultery, Coveting (a greedy desire to have more wealth), dangerous and destructive wickedness, deceit; unrestrained (indecent) conduct; an evil eye (envy), slander (evil speaking, malicious misrepresentation, abusiveness); pride — (that is) the sin of an uplifted heart against God and man; foolishness (folly, lack of sense, recklessness, thoughtlessness). All these evil (purposes and desires) come from within, and they make the man unclean and render him unhallowed. (Mark 7:21-23, TAB)

He told the Pharisees:

0 generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. (Matthew 12:34-35)

In these verses, we see that man’s heart is his innermost being where either good or evil thoughts reside. A man’s words and actions are determined by what is in his heart. If there are thoughts of hatred, anger, jealousy, or pride in an individual’s heart, they will be manifested in the words that come out of his mouth. Whatever is stored in a man’s heart within his innermost being will eventually be manifested in his actions.

If you allow your heart to be filled with thoughts of doubt, fear, and unbelief regarding the circumstances you are facing, it will be manifested through the words you speak and you will not be able to receive what you need from God because of the unbelief in your heart.

The heart is the center of man’s existence. It is in the heart man receives the Word, is convicted by the Holy Spirit, and is saved (Romans 10:8-10). It is in the heart — within man’s innermost being — where he has faith to believe God’s Word and His promises or harbors doubt and unbelief that hinders him from receiving from God what he needs. Jesus said, “Have faith in God. Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen and it shall be granted him” (Mark 11:23,23, NAS).

Make this declaration:

I will learn to fight the battle of the mind effectively during this month. I will reprogram my mind through God’s Word.

*Adapted from MCWE email – Journey Into The Promised Land by Morris Cerullo

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