Penetrating Enemy Lines

Journey Into The Promised Land

2 Kings 6:8–17 (CSB)


When the king of Aram was waging war against Israel, he conferred with his servants, “My camp will be at such and such a place.”

But the man of God sent word to the king of Israel: “Be careful passing by this place, for the Arameans are going down there.” 10 Consequently, the king of Israel sent word to the place the man of God had told him about. The man of God repeatedly warned the king, so the king would be on his guard.

11 The king of Aram was enraged because of this matter, and he called his servants and demanded of them, “Tell me, which one of us is for the king of Israel?”

12 One of his servants said, “No one, my lord the king. Elisha, the prophet in Israel, tells the king of Israel even the words you speak in your bedroom.”

13 So the king said, “Go and see where he is, so I can send men to capture him.”

When he was told, “Elisha is in Dothan,” 14 he sent horses, chariots, and a massive army there. They went by night and surrounded the city.

15 When the servant of the man of God got up early and went out, he discovered an army with horses and chariots surrounding the city. So he asked Elisha, “Oh, my master, what are we to do?”

16 Elisha said, “Don’t be afraid, for those who are with us outnumber those who are with them.”

17 Then Elisha prayed, “Lord, please open his eyes and let him see.” So the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he saw that the mountain was covered with horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

You Are Not Alone

As you pick up your mighty weapon of prayer and begin to struggle against the evil forces that are attacking you, the hosts of heaven join with you in combat!

In the battles you are fighting right now in your life, you are not fighting alone. The hosts of heaven are fighting with you. The Almighty God, Jehovah is fighting for you!

The promise Moses gave the children of Israel belongs to you: “The Lord your God who goes before you will Himself fight on your behalf…” (Deuteronomy 1: 30, NAS).

The angels are fighting for you! “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them” (Psalm 34:7, NIV).

When Elisha was surrounded by the Syrian armies he told his servant, “…Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them” (2 Kings 6:16, NAS). Then God opened the eyes of Elisha’s servant and allowed him to see that the mountain was full of a heavenly host of horses and chariots all around them (2 Kings 6:17).

The Holy Spirit is fighting for you! As you begin to pray, “…the Spirit Himself goes to meet our (your) supplication and pleads in our (your) behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance” (Romans 8:26, TAB).

Jesus Christ, your Great High Priest, is fighting for you! While He was on the earth, He prayed for His disciples. He told Peter, “But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not…” (Luke 22:32). He prayed for all believers (John 17:20-21) and He is at the right hand of the Father where He is making intercession for you right now (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25).

The reason why many Christians live in defeat is because they are still relying upon their own strength and understanding. They are using carnal weapons instead of the mighty weapons of prayer and fasting. To become the same powerful spiritual warrior as Jesus and live in the same dimension of revelation, you must use the same weapon He used — prayer. You must strip yourself of all self-righteousness and spiritual pride. You must come to a place in your life where you are willing to say as Jesus did, “By Myself I can do nothing.” You must come to a place where you are no longer relying upon your own strength or understanding.

You must be willing to forsake your way of doing things and develop a day-to-day dependence upon Christ where you are willing to spend time alone with Him, even if it means getting up at two or three in the morning or spending all night in prayer.

As you come to know, rely, and totally depend upon Jesus, in prayer, as He did the Father, you will able to face your circumstances from the same powerful position of knowing as Jesus. You will be able to face every circumstance, trial, and test knowing that you will not be defeated. Remember…you are not alone!

Make this declaration:

God has not abandoned me. I am not alone. He goes before me into battle to fight for me.

*Adapted from MCWE email – Journey Into The Promised Land by Morris Cerullo

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